June 19, 2018
One of the first questions we get asked from our new customers is, “What sort of options do y’all have?” The short answer is “A TON OF AWESOME OPTIONS!!!!!”
June 01, 2018
Home Plans are like your children… They love to eat cookies! Wait, that is not the right metaphor..
Home Plans are like your children… They never pick up their toys!&nbs
May 14, 2018
Sorry for the click bait headline but this is pretty cool!
We took a drone flyover video of Greenbrier Woods on May 6th, 2014. Then we did the same thing May 12th, 2018. The differen
May 04, 2018
As home builders, there are really only a few places we can show off our creativity. Your dining room, family room, and bedrooms will largely be made beautiful by you, the home owner, by your c
April 19, 2018
The Hawthorne is one of our favorite new home plans in Greenbrier Hills. It is an incredible value with over 1700 SF of VERY livable space. As you can see from the video and pictures, a f