June 21, 2017
In this Facebook Live video, Laura introduces us to Leon Wink of Wolde Flooring. They take us on a tour of the Wolde Flooring show room then take us “back stage” to watch some granit
June 20, 2017
Seriously, we need to know… Just dig a hole in the ground and build a house over it right???
Just joking, we take basements seriously here at Murphy Homes and you can tell by the video bel
June 17, 2017
Making selections is one of the most fun parts of home building. Most of our selections are completed at our (under construction) Design Center in Downtown Madison. However, we do not have enough spac
June 14, 2017
Check out this awesome newly finished Revere Plan in Greenbrier Woods! Comment with what you love and what you would change ~ or just call us to build one for you and we can do whatever you like!
June 12, 2017
We were lucky enough to visit an awesome future home site for one of our On-Your-Lot customers this past Friday afternoon. We were in eastern limestone county in the late afternoon. The trees were cas